The SKCCLogger was designed with the "keep it simple" principle in mind.
Logging can be:
- Completely manual, requiring you to enter every detail;
- Semi-automatic, requiring you to enter some information; or
- Fully automatic, requiring minimal data entry.
The SKCCLogger program can:
- Get the current date and time from the computer.
- Get the frequency and band from the radio - if connected and configured.
- Get a member's SKCC number, name, and SPC from the membership data list.
- Use the preset defaults for RSTs and TX power that you specified during set-up.
- Copy the member's SKCC number, name, and SPC to the Comment field.
- Use "Enter" as the default action to add a log entry or require that you press a button to add an entry.
All of the above actions are options that you can select to suit your specific logging style and needs.
The following subjects in this section will get you started on log entries: