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Note: SKCCLogger Sprint Statistics ASSUME hat the current log represents the results of a single sprint event. These statistics are normally of no use to track your progress toward any award.
For example: Sprint rules allow counting the same member logged on different bands. However, award rules allow for the use of a single member only one time. Therefore, the QSO Count will often show more QSOs than allowed for awards.
Unless you have logged a single sprint event and want to report your results, you should ignore these statistics and use the award processor to check your progress toward awards.
In most, if not all, SKCC sprint events, the basic sprint score is computed as the number of QSOs times the number of unique SPCs worked - the term SPC refers to State, Province, or Country. Each SPC is counted only once for the entire sprint.
Additional points are earned for contacts with Centurions, Tribunes, and Senators. These points are earned for each band on which the Centurions, Tribunes, and Senators are worked.
As you log QSOs during the sprint, SKCCLogger automatically keeps track of the key sprint statistics and displays those values in the lower right corner of its main window.
The product of the SPC Count multiplied by the QSO Count plus the Centurion/Tribune/Senator point provides you with a basic score. Many sprints also include a special theme for which you can earn additional bonus points.
If you need to designate a specific bonus station callsign, add "special" bonus points, or adjust the points per band values you can click on the underlined "Sprint Bonus" field's label to open this window.
The "Additional Bonus Points" field allows you to track any special bonus as you operate the sprint. This may be useful in sprint where there is a special one-time bonus for achieving some specific goal.
The "Bonus Station Callsign" field allows you to identify a specific callsign that has been designated as being worth extra bonus points for the sprint.
The lower half of the window allows you to adjust the default values that are generally associated with a sprint. Changing these values will stay in effect for the current and all future sprints until they are changed again.
Some serious sprinters look to increase their sprint scores by accumulating SPC multipliers. Clicking on the underlined "SPC Count" field's label will open a special window that lists each US state, US possession, Canadian province, and Canadian territory, along with a checkbox indicating worked or not worked. SKCCLogger automatically checks off the boxes as you collect SPCs. Non-US/Canadian SPCs appear separately as a list at the bottom of the SPC window.
Next section: Timing the Length of a QSO