Setting Program Options

The first thing you should do is set some program options and update the membership file.

This program utilizes two primary windows: a main window that carries the full listing of QSOs, and a Log Entry window, which appears after you click on the main window's "Start Logging" button. To begin program set-up, from the main SKCCLogger window select the "Options" menu item and then select "Set Program Options."

When you select "Set Program Options," the Program Options window will open. Here, you can specify the following options:

Logging Defaults

My Station

General Program Options

Log List Columns

On the right side of the "Program Options" window you will find a list of the columns the main window's QSO list can display. Use the checkboxes to customize the amount of data the log dislays - especially useful on older machines with smaller screens.

Note: All of the fields on the checklist are saved in the log file whether or not you select them for display. Also note that the Row ID, Date, Time, and Callsign are not optional display items.

When you are done, click the "Save" button to save your settings and close the Program Options window.

Next Chapter: Connecting to a Radio