Revision History
The SKCCLogger has undergone several revisions since its initial release in May 2012. The following list tracks the changes made in each v03.xx.xx release. Revisions are presented from most recent to earliest.
v03.01.04[Interim], 14-Nov-2024:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with macOS not handling call check function (Thanks to Jim, NM1W).
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Added count of previous QSOs in Log Entry and Log Edit windows.
- Removed "Sprint Logging Mode" option in Program Options window.
- Removed "Select ALL" bands options in award Processor Selection Award Status windows.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
v03.01.03, 26-Apr-2024:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed code that had removed QTH info from DX members on C/T/S applications.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Radio Configuration Name now displayed instead of Radio Model Name on Main window.
- The Log Entry "Run/S&P" option is now 'sticky' and will remain after restart.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added F7 to Log Entry window to replicate Alt-F shortcut.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Radio Configuration Name now displayed in place of Radio Model Name on Main window.
v03.01.02, 29-Apr-2023:
- Bug Fixes:
- To eliminate the occasional "hang" on shutdown, the application now requires that any changes to the log file must be saved first.
- Fixed a minor bug found in Brag Statistics count.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Added processing to allow enhanced selection of COM Ports on Mac and Linux PCs.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added support for Yaesu FTDX-10 Radio.
- Added support for Yaesu FT-710 Radio.
- Clicking the log file name on the main screen copies the entire path name to the system clipboard. Helpful for those setting up the SKCC Skimmer to set the path to the log file.
- Clicking on the Radio Name on the main window opens the Radio Configuration Window.
- Added five functions keys (F1 thru F5) to Log Entry window to provide immediate selection of Callsign, SKCC Nr, State (SPC), Op Name, and Comments.
- Added F6 as alternative to pressing "Check SKCC Nr" button in Add Log Entry Window.
- Can now use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in partial call lookup in Add Log Entry Window.
- Added SKSA Processing to Brag Count Report.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Closing the Main window on a Mac now makes the application completely exit.
- Changed Brag report to start WES to second Saturday of the month.
- Log Entries with SKCC Number "NONE" are now left unchanged by "Add SKCC Number" processing and will not be counted by the Award Processor.
v03.00.15, 18-Sep-2021:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a membership info lookup bug in the Award Processor that caused problems for members whose callsign was previously assigned to a different member.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Award Processor now has an option to process ONLY QRP QSOs. This is provided to assist preparation of applications for those awards that have a QRP option
- Added support for Kenwood TS-450.
- Added support for Kenwood TS-890S.
- Added support for Yaesu FTDX101D.
- Added three options for User Guide in Help Menu:
- Windows Help,
- Web User Guide, or
- PDF User Guide.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Award Processor now opens with Callsign Text Field in focus.
- Award Processor text message changed to remind you that the last log processed is NOT necessarily the current log file.
- Award processor push button label changed from "New Log File" to "Select Log File".
- Moved SKCCLogger Version Info text file to webpage.
- Removed option to go to download page when new version is available.
v03.00.14, 20-Feb-2020:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that caused LogEntry Alt-M shortcut to cause system to crash.
- Fixed bug in Worked All States Award Processor that substituted incorrect member callsign in special cases of a re-used callsign.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Log Entry will now insert non-member info if a previous QSO exists in the current log file.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added Alt-T shortcut to LogEntry window for Set Time to Now.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- The log Database Backup folder is now created at startup instead of the first time it is used. This allows the system to "know" where the backup folder is immediately at startup.
v03.00.13, 2-Nov-2019:
- Bug Fixes:
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Entering a TX Power in Log Entry sets Default TX Power.
- Made Auto-Fill Option "sticky".
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added ability to change Text Font Size.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Stopped "Normalizing" call on C/T/S award applications.
v03.00.12, 21-Jan-2019:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed error in display of DX SPCs in SPC Details window if there is only one.
- Removed prompt for last name in Award Processor. The prompting resulted in a looping if the user used key clicks, rather than the expected Tab, to the next field .
- Fixed a bug in the Triple Key Award processor that could, under some conditions, allow an invalid log entry to be entered on the award application.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Changed Award Processor Membership Download Processing.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added Triple Key Award Key Counts Window.
- Added support for Icom IC-775DSP.
- Added support for Yaesu FT-891.
- Added ability to edit Contest ID in Program Options.
- Added ability to set DX SPC column count in SPC Details Window.
- Added dialog box for unexpected membership update download results.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Auto-Fill Last Name in Award Processor Info Window.
- Triple Key Aaward start date now hard coded.
v03.00.11, 24-Oct-2018:
- Bug Fixes:
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- The award processor now creates a list of QSOs processed but not added to the SKCC QSO Database.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added support for logging QSOs on 33CM and 23CM Bands. These bands are NOT supported by the award processor.
- Added support for Triple Key Award - Key Type during log entry, log edit, and award processing.
- Log edit and Log Entry Previous QSOs List now display Key Type
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Contest ID "SKCC Sprint" added to ADIF log file for all new log entries.
- Main Log Window Title now displays full path of logger executable.
- Eliminated use of a temporary file during membership download/update.
- Changed format of data display in Log Edit Previous QSO List.
v03.00.10, 1-Aug-2018:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug, introduced in v03.00.09, that caused the length of RagChew QSOs to be computed incorrectly when the QSO spanned a date change .
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- DXCC Codes are now treated as integers so that "001" becomes "1".
- DX SPCs are now displayed 10 per row in the SPC Details Window.
- The Membership Download Window that displays at startup now opens in "Modal" mode so that the logger's main window cannot open and cover it up.
- Changed main portion of Award Processing to a thread so that the GUI can keep updated while displaying a progress bar.
- Changed load ADIF log file processing to a thread showing a progress bar.
- Main log list box is now invisible while it is being loaded from the database. It loads significantly faster when loading large log files of more than a couple thousand entries.
- Changed save ADIF log file processing to a thread showing a progress bar.
- Stopped clearing Log Entry QSY Field for Clear All action.
- Changed function of Add Log Entry Callsign "Check" Button. If the entered callsign cannot be found "as-entered", then the database looks for partial matches and displays similar callsigns in a list box. See User Guide "Logging a QSO" section.
- The "Check" Callsign button will now lookup matches for partial callsigns (no exact match) and now accepts '%' as wildcard.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added basic GridSquare tracking capability. Clicking on the underlined "GridSquare" field label in the Log Entry window opens a window that displays an alphabetical listing of unique 4-character GridSquares in the Log File.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Added code to handle an UnsupportedFormatException raised when a file name is not Absolute.
- Modified sprint bonus display formatting to display a negative sprint bonus (just in case !!!).
- Added INI Filename to INI File header.
v03.00.09, 1-Mar-2018:
- Bug Fixes:
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- The award Processor window now automatically executes a "Refresh My Info" operation when the Callsign field loses focus. Too many users were failing to update their information after awards had been received.
- Program options now allows selection of ANY installed font.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Changed CI-V Baud Rate options for Icom IC-7300.
- Added Kenwood TS-870 as Radio Selection option
- Added Icom IC-7610 as Radio Selection option
- Added Alt-W (Wipe Entry) shortcut to LogEdit window.
- Added option for FT8 Logging Mode.
- Added Radio Selection for Kenwood TS-870.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- The and DXCC lookups from the LogEntry and LogEdit pages now launch the default browser.
- Added conditional compilation statements to make program compatible with MacOS Systems.
- Main Window Title Line now shows full path to the installation folder.
- Added new FileType ADIFExport for MacOS Compatibility.
- MacOS version displays PDF Version of User Guide.
- Added http:// to all URLs used by logger.
- Updated URL link used for ARRL DXCC Entities.
- Several changes to the processing procedure used to attain access to various program files. I discovered that I was using a fairly outdated method that may soon be deprecated so I want to get ahead of it.
v03.00.08, 4-Jul-2017:
- Bug Fixes:
- Added code to catch an IO Exception if exported CSV file is currently open.
- Fixed error in IC-7300 setup text that referred to IC-7200 defaults.
- Added code to switch RST Field Text Box Help Tag to reflect change in S&P/Run Mode.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Do not add "DX" to State field for non-US and non-Canadian Entities.
- ADIF File Load now converts slash 0 in callsign to ASCII 0.
- Changed QSO Notes button action - If Notes window is already open, just show it.
- Changed QSO Notes button action - If Callsign is blank, just substitute "NONE".
- Modified C/T/S processor to properly label > x10 awards in increments of 5. i.e., x2 - x10, then x15, x20, x25, etc.
- Modified PFX processor to properly label > x10 awards in increments of 5. i.e., x2 - x10, then x15, x20, x25, etc.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Show Log Entry window when the logger tries to shutdown with the window open.
- Show Notes Window if open when closing LogEntry Window.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Changed Prefix Award SQL Query to use MAX(PFX_Pts).
- LogEntry Close Button: Deleted Mouse Down event for Close Button and moved action to Action Event.
v03.00.07, 7-Oct-2016:
- Bug Fixes:
- Editing Log Entries now preserves contents of ADIF Fields "STATION_CALLSIGN", "OPERATOR", and "MY_GRIDSQUARE".
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Add SKCC Number Processing now inserts Member Name (if blank).
- The LogEdit window now displays previous QSOs when first opened rather than waiting for the callsign field to lose focus.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added support for 1.25M and 70CM Bands.
- Added Minimize Button to Add Log Entry Window.
- Added support for Icom IC-7300.
- Added support for Elecraft KX2.
- Added notification of existing QSO Notes file - QSO Notes button flashes bold/unbold every second.
- Added option to cancel future Award Application email reminders.
- Added ADIF Tags "STATION_CALLSIGN" and "OPERATOR" to log file.
- Added Alt+F shortcut key to Log Entry Window to move cursor to QSY Frequency Field.
- The Log Edit window now displays and allows edit of "Station Callsign", "Operator Callsign", and "My GridSquare".
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Added Compiler Version, Full log filename, Callsign, and SKCC Number to ADIF Log File Header.
- Added Compiler Version info to INI File.
- Changed processing that checks for use of reserved log filename "Reserved-Log.adi".
- The Award Processor now displays the full path and file name of a previously processed log file that no longer exists.
v03.00.06, 26-Mar-2016:
- Bug Fixes:
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- QSO Start Time is now established and "locked in" the first time a callsign is entered. The ONLY way to change the QSO start time after
that is to click the "Now" button or to enter a date/time manually.
- Added reminder in Award Processor for the user to email the award application to the Award Administrator.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Log Entry Window provides an option to Auto-Log QSO End Time when the QSO is logged, unless already set.
- Added support for the TS-50 Radio.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- The Award Processor has been changed to display the name of the file being processed when processing begins, rather than waiting until
the processing finishes.
- Log Edit window now force State Field to be in all Uppercase.
- Membership file download processing has changed.
v03.00.05A, 4-Feb-2016:
- Bug Fixes:
- Backed out a couple last minute changes in v03.00.05 that were causing intermittent problems with some set ups.
v03.00.05, 1-Feb-2016:
- Bug Fixes:
- Modified RegEx ADIF Log Parsing process to allow for byte-oriented encodings.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- After several requests, the Add Log Entry window text fields have been reordered to more closely follow the "standard" order of an SKCC information exchange. This change also required a change to the layout of the Edit Log Entry window fields.
- Monthly Brag Report now allows you to select either "Current" or "Previous" month as default Brag Month.
- Monthly Brag Report Brag Count format changed to be a bit more informative.
- The membership update process now provides a direct link to the SKCCLogger Program Download Page when an upgrade is available.
- The "Use PC Time" option in the Log Entry Window is now a "sticky" option.
- When checked, the date and time fields will be auto filled with the current PC date and time.
- When unchecked, the date and time fields are cleared and must be filled with valid values.
- After an entry is completed with the "Use PC Time" unchecked, the previously entered date and time values become "sticky".
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added a QSO Notes Capability. Individual Notes are linked to a specific callsign or SKCC Number.
- Added QSO End Time to Log Entry, Log Edit, and Log List box. This field relates to the ADIF Tag "QSO_TIME_OFF".
Entering the QSO End Time is optional and may be left blank unless you have a need to use it. Display of this item in the
log list box is optional as set in the Program Options window.
- Added processing for RagChew Award with details for Band Endorsements.
- Added processing for WAS-T and WAS-S Awards.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Added input "Mask" to LogEntry State Field to immediately convert each keystroke to UpperCase.
v03.00.04, 11-Nov-2015:
- Bug Fixes:
- Monthly Brag Report now counts QSOs on WARC Bands during sprint periods.
- Fixed "Award Processor" and "Add SKCC Numbers to Log" processing to handle cases of members having the same Callsign, but at different times.
This change also handles cases where a current member has the call of a member that is now SK.
- Modified Prefix Award processing to use new "GetSKCCFromCall" function.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Removed code that forced Name and City to 'TitleCase' in the Add Log Entry and Log Edit windows.
- Monthly Brag Report now auto-fills dates and times for SKS-E, WES, and SKS based on Brag Month & Year entered.
- Download Membership processing now auto-starts the download when the window opens.
- Made manual time entry in Log Entry and Log Edit easier. Fields now accept HHMM[Z], HH:MM[Z], HHMMSS[Z],
and HH:MM:SS[Z] formats.
- Text Search (Ctrl+F) Window now defaults to search BOTH Call and SKCC Fields.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added "My Gridsquare" to Program Options and ADIF Log File.
- Added Kenwood TS-440 to Radio List.
- Added Icom IC-7400 to Radio List.
- Added JT9 to the Mode selection list.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- Changed Log Entry Window Close Caution to a Dialog Box with the default action of "Don't Close".
- Major rewrite of the Load ADIF Log File method using RegEx to extract all Tags.
- Major rewrite of the Award Processor Load ADIF Log File method using RegEx to extract all Tags.
v03.00.03, 21-Jul-2015:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug related to listing matching callsigns that conmtain a slant character in the Add Log Entry window.
- Fixed a bug in the award processor where a previously processed log file that was on a drive that no longer exists would cause a Nil Object Exception.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- Changed processing for Prefix awards. Processing now skips all slant (/) characters and uses the station license callsign only.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added Text Search (Ctrl+F) Capability in the Main Log window.
- Changed Prefix Award Processing
- Changed membership download processing to avoid partial download
- Added Icom IC-7410 to Radio List
- Added Icom IC-7850/7851 to Radio List
- Added Kenwood TS-990S to Radio List
- Added Yaesu FT-747GX to Radio List
- Added Yaesu FT-757GXII to Radio List
- Added Yaesu FT-847 to Radio List
- Added Yaesu FT-991 to Radio List
- Changed Kenwood TS-480HX to just TS-480 for TS-480HX or TS-480SAT
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- The membership files are updated on the server every 2 hours. There is a very small window where a membership download could occur during the update and result in a partial membership listing being downloaded. The download processing now looks for AT LEAST the same number of members as the previous list and will attempt five download attempt, if necessary.
- Build Date and Time now displays in Eastern Time instead of Zulu.
- Removed code that would Look for a membership text file that is newer than the Membership database file. The capability was initially added to allow a user to download the membership data file and copy it to the application folder. The capability is no longer needed.
- Added code to membership download processing to avoid a small window where a partial file is download while it is beiong created on the server.
v03.00.02, 26-Feb-2015:
- Bug Fixes:
- Previous versions could give extra Sprint QSO Counts if a callsign was logged in two different ways - e.g. AC2C and AC2C/QRP. Added new processing to avoid this error.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- The method used to count QSOs in a sprint was modified as noted above.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Add/Edit log Entry now supports additional Digital modes: JT65, JT65A, OLIVIA, and SSTV.
- The Award Processor will now provide a warning if the log file has been modified since the last time it was processed. Some users were forgetting to reprocess the log file after making additional log entries.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
- The Award Processor now displays file and database dates and times in Zulu rather than local time.
- If you have set your Callsign in the Program Options window, the program will automaticaaly update your SKCC Number when you download the membership information. Thus, your C, T, or S suffix will be automatically updated for you.
- The Award Processor now displays the Database Update Date/Time in Zulu time.
- Award Processor modified to list callsigns ONLY as listed in the membership database - eliminating unrecogniozed prefixes or suffixes.
v03.00.01, 29-Nov-2014:
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a minor error introduced in v03.00.00 that would only update the C/T/S/Tx8 info in the Award Processor if it was non-blank.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added support for additional Centurion and Tribune Award/Endorsement Levels.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
v03.00.00, 12-Sep-2014: (Major Upgrade Release)
Note:This is a Major Upgrade Release due to the number of changes required to merge logging and award processing to utilize the same membership database file.
- Bug Fixes:
- A user in the Netherlands discovered a problem with Internationmal compatibility. Fixes were made to allow for alternate decimal separators while adhering to the ADIF spec that requires a period (.) decimal separator.
- One user reported a problem with the award processor that was caused by a corrupted Award Processor Log Database File. We were unable to determine how the file was corrupted. However, the processing now detects a corrupted database file, deletes it, and notifies the user that the log needs to be re-processed.
- Changes to previous processing methods:
- The logger now uses a single membership data file for both logging and award processing.
- New Capabilities & Features:
- Added support for Icom IC-735 Radio with a 4-Byte Frequency data packet.
- Added supoport for Icom IC-7100 Radio.
- Changes to how the program works - not "seen" or necessarily noticed by the user:
Next section: To-Do List and Known Bugs